

When you sit down to write a blog you should have an idea of the subject (if you don’t read some of my previous articles, you’ll find lots of advice on dealing with ‘blank screen syndrome’). However, there’s a big difference between a readable blog and a dry as dust...
Multipurpose writing

Multipurpose writing

When you write an article there are many applications for your carefully constructed article.  Don’t miss out on getting the last drop of value from everything you write. Let’s blow some misconceptions away first. An article has to be quite long You don’t need to...
To blog, or not to blog; that is the question!

To blog, or not to blog; that is the question!

I love writing – not surprising for someone who earns a living scribbling away.  However, lots of people find it hard to write to order.  That’s good for me as some of these people delegate their writing to me.  I do what I love and they do what they love! For anyone...
Beam me up, Scotty!

Beam me up, Scotty!

Everyone talks about blogs, bloggers and even vloggers – but where did this word come from?  Being a wordy person I know the answer! Originally blogs were a sort of on line journal or diary – and known as web logs.  If you ever watched Star Trek you’ll remember the...
Leverage: the lazy person’s secret

Leverage: the lazy person’s secret

There’s a saying that if you want to find the most efficient way to do something you should ask a lazy person.  The assumption is that they will find the way to achieve the result with the minimum of effort – but why should you work any harder than necessary?...
What’s the point of a blog?

What’s the point of a blog?

If nobody reads it – nothing.  But how do you get a following like some of the well-known bloggers who make millions from writing blogs? Most of these bloggers are young in their 20s and have a massive following around a specific subject.  They earn their money from...