If you have a good list email marketing is a great way to keep your name in front of people who may be potential customers. However, there are lots of things that help to ensure your email marketing campaign bears fruit.

  • Know your target audience. What do they want? How can you help them? Write your message so it addresses those subjects.
  • A single email doesn’t work, it should be a series of at least three and up to five or six.
  • The first most important item for any email marketing campaign is the subject line – it must be interesting/compelling/intriguing enough for people to want to open it.
  • The second most important thing is the salutation – don’t use ‘Dear Joe Bloggs’ as that immediately categorises this as an ‘automated’ message. If you can’t organise a ‘Dear Joe’ approach, leave it out altogether. Most people won’t notice!
  • With an email marketing series each email should stand alone, you don’t know whether they’ve read the one before or if they’ll read the next one.
  • A series should focus on one product/service. Don’t try to present more than one subject or you’ll confuse those who read more than one of your messages. Make your mind up – you can always do another email marketing campaign later!
  • Use data, stats, stories and examples to gain reader engagement and leave them with a call to action e.g. a phone number, web page or email.
  • There’s more to email marketing than just sending a message to your list – but getting it right will be reflected in your sales!
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