How to write a non-fiction book

How to write a non-fiction book

A book is a great way to set yourself apart from your competitors.  Being an author gives you a certain kudos – as long as you’re working with a good editor/writer who will take your amazing ideas and polish them to a fine shine. If you’re planning to share your...
Every book starts with a blank page

Every book starts with a blank page

Every author has to make a start and each writer has different experiences of getting their book out of their head and into a manuscript.  Even if you find writing easy, organising and developing a whole book can be daunting.  If you have lots of great ideas, but...
How to get your book written

How to get your book written

If you’re happy hitting the keyboard writing a book is simply a bit of planning and then scheduling in writing time, but not everyone is a natural writer.  This outlines some alternatives. Planning pays off Regardless of how you plan to get your book out of your head...
Research your market

Research your market

Before you invest your valuable time in writing a book, it’s wise to research your market place first.  It could save you a lot of time, editing and rewrites. These are some of the key questions that will guide your research. Which section would you expect your book...
The truth about becoming an author

The truth about becoming an author

There’s more to becoming an author than planning and writing a book.  There are lots of decisions that you need to make – these are a few things to think about. Is there a market for this? While everyone wants to stand out and be unique, if no books are listed...