Does email marketing work?

Does email marketing work?

There’s plenty of evidence that it does – and also plenty of evidence that it doesn’t! The question is a bit like asking ‘how long is a piece of string?’  There’s no simple answer. A better question might be ‘how can I make email marketing work?’ And here are my...
What’s the point?

What’s the point?

Email campaigns are supposed to be some kind of magic bullet, but do you want a load of sales spiel in your inbox?  No?  I thought not! I bet you’ve signed up for some download that looked interesting at some point only to discover you’re getting a daily sales pitch...
Email marketing campaigns that get results

Email marketing campaigns that get results

When your computer or phone pings and you know an email has arrived do you open the new email hoping to see a sales pitch? No – I thought not.  But that’s what many people send out – and then wonder why people unsubscribe from their lists or just delete their emails...