Facebook: business or personal?

Facebook: business or personal?

I’ve been using Facebook since it started back in 2005 – and while I wouldn’t call myself an expert, I know a bit about it.  I have a personal profile and I drop in a few times a week and read what my friends and family share.  I like things, I comment...
Facebook or not?

Facebook or not?

Lots of our clients sell to other businesses and I’m often asked, ‘Is it worth doing Facebook?’  I think it’s a mistake to completely ignore it and the secret is in having the right strategy for your business and your target customers. Facebook is a social platform,...
Build a community

Build a community

If your business has a Facebook Page, you’ll need to work at it for it to be successful. Likes and Follows are important – and often others will judge you based on your numbers.  However, there’s much more to a successful Facebook Page than big numbers of...