Does anyone actually read a newsletter?

Does anyone actually read a newsletter?

I’m asked this all the time by clients and people I meet networking.  There was a time when you could put a ‘Sign up to my newsletter’ form on your website and lots of people would sign up, but not anymore. That doesn’t mean they don’t read newsletters, it does mean...
It’s all about your reputation

It’s all about your reputation

When R.E.M. wrote Shiny, Happy People I’m sure they didn’t have reputation in mind, but it’s such a good description of what a great reputation is and does that I couldn’t resist mentioning it again! There are a couple of lines in the middle that resonate too:...
5 ways to stop people reading your website

5 ways to stop people reading your website

A strong message and attractive graphics are not enough to keep the visitor on your website engaged.  They’re both really important, but if you commit any of these errors, they aren’t enough. 1: Whizzy graphics Scrolling marquees, banners that refresh every 3-4...
Build a channel

Build a channel

Video material is powerful – just look at how many people use YouTube for learning and entertainment and the rapid rise of TikTok.  Even Instagram quickly realised that still images aren’t as powerful as video content and reels were added (initially as IGTV in 2017). ...
Help people to buy

Help people to buy

Most small business owners find selling hard.  They don’t want to be thought of as ‘pushy’ and yet worry that if they aren’t, their business won’t thrive.  I was talking to a business colleague who used to be in sales – and he said “The days of cold calling and sales...