Home sweet home

Home sweet home

How fast does your website visitor understand what you do and how it helps them? You’ve got about 7 seconds before they give up and go elsewhere, so that first thing they see had better tell them what they need to know. That means that the first screen they see: Needs...
Is your website helping your reputation?

Is your website helping your reputation?

Keeping your business website up-to-date is important to preserve potential customers’ perception of your business.  Out-of-date website = outdated services (in their subconscious). The regular tasks are things like ensuring the links all still work – that’s basic...
How good a shop window is your website?

How good a shop window is your website?

If you have an eCommerce website your website isn’t just your shop window – it’s your shop too.  But if you have what is often referred to as a ‘brochure site’, it’s intended to be a taster for people to get a feel for what you offer. This means that your home page...
What is your website doing for you?

What is your website doing for you?

I’ve seen some rubbish websites in my time – there are many still sitting around the internet.  I do wonder if they’re actually any use at all. If your website isn’t getting results you need to decide if it’s worth paying your hosting fee every month/year. I’m...
How can I help you?

How can I help you?

If you could speak directly to the visitor to your website, this would be a good question to start with.  Unfortunately, you can’t do that live, so your website needs to deliver what that visitor wants.  Not only what they want, but you need to make it easy for them...