Communication with focus

I am not apologising for another blog about writing copy that has focus.  It seems there are zillions of website owners who still have not got the message, so it’s obviously needed! Any commercial document – whether virtual or real – needs to have a...

Getting fonts to work for you

I was just watching a funny video about PowerPoint by Don McMillan and his comments about fonts reminded me of how much impact the font you choose has on your message. I used to create newsletters for Ford (the motor company) and the research and development site...

Consistent marketing

When people connect with your business do they get a consistent message? Does the brand on your website reflect the signature on your emails, heading on your letters and invoices, colours and image on your marketing flyers and look and feel of your business card? If...

Do you know too much?

Everyone can write, but when it comes to writing commercial copy for yourself writer’s block tends to kick in! It’s not necessarily because you can’t write effectively to market your business, products or services; it’s often simply a case of...

Direct mail – the revival

I’ve noticed that more and more of my clients are asking me to write direct mail letters. The good old sales letter seems to be making a comeback – and it’s not just for business-to-consumer (B2C), but also for business-to-business (B2B) marketing....

What is a good testimonial?

A good testimonial is very powerful, but so many so-called testimonials are more like therapy than feedback! You know the kind of thing – ‘It was lovely working with you, you were so helpful and we really enjoyed the experience.’ This kind of...

Direct marketing – how it works

Just recently several clients have talked to me about direct sales letters. It seems that email marketing isn’t working as well as it used to and people are returning to the good old sales letter as a means of warming up leads! I want to look at a number of...

Writing a book to promote your business

You may have heard various ‘quotes’ about writing a book. “It’s the best business card you could possibly have,” and “Everyone has a book in them,” are two that spring to mind. If you have aspirations to become an author,...

Are memorable ads the way to get sales?

If people don’t remember your ads then you’ll probably get fewer sales, but a really memorable ad has to do more than stick in the memory of your reader (or viewer) – it needs to remind them of your product. Think about the ads you’ve seen in...