Does your LinkedIn website link get clicks?

Does your LinkedIn website link get clicks?

Your LinkedIn profile provides you with a section where you can add your contact info – and one of the options is to add your website link.  When you put the URL in you’ll be asked if you want to designate your website as: Personal Company Blog RSS feed...
Who are you?

Who are you?

Your LinkedIn profile is the equivalent of attending a networking meeting.  It’s your first ‘meeting’ with potential contacts so you want to make a good impression. 1: Make sure your ‘name badge’ just has your name on it – you don’t need your job title, the...
5 reasons LinkedIn won’t work for you

5 reasons LinkedIn won’t work for you

I hear people complaining that LinkedIn is ‘stagnant’, ‘out-of-date’, ‘useless’ and other derogatory statements.  While nothing can ever be called perfect, I find LinkedIn is a powerful platform for business – so what makes my experience so different from theirs?...