What does your website tell your visitor?

What does your website tell your visitor?

It’s a conversation that I have over and over again and it usually starts with “What do you want to say on your website?” when I’m taking a brief from a client. The answer varies a bit, but almost always includes things like: We want people to know about all our...
It’s not about YOU!

It’s not about YOU!

The toughest lesson many of my clients have to learn is that their marketing is not supposed to be all about them.  “But it’s our marketing, it has to be about us,” they argue – but let’s look at it from a different angle – the customer’s.  When you visit my website...
What does your website tell your visitor?

Does your marketing message need a sight test?

Be honest – when you’re planning to promote one of your products or services where is your focus: On the product/service? On the customer? On getting it all to the printer/publishing online ‘in time’? If the answer is any of these your...
When is it the ‘right’ time?

When is it the ‘right’ time?

I meet far too many people who want to tell me why they ‘can’t’ do something.  People who can, do – they don’t spend their time talking it over, they just get stuck in and get on with it!  Even when you offer help, some people will tell...