Blogging for business

Blogging for business

When I mention blogging many people groan; “I don’t have time,” they tell me.  Some of these people send a monthly newsletter out, most of them post material on social media – in my book that’s reinventing the wheel! I’m lazy and they do say that if you want to find...
Blogging for business

Have you got a book in you?

I’m not talking an epic novel here – but, if you’re an expert in something, you’ve almost certainly got a book in your head.  The challenge is turning it into a powerful marketing tool. I’ve written a lot about writing, publishing and marketing business books, but...
Blogging for business

How about a little bribe?

Most business people will recoil at the idea of being offered a bribe.  Of course, you hear about corrupt business practices, but the majority of business people are ethical and honest.  So why would I suggest that you offer a bribe to potential customers? It’s all...
Blogging for business

What will an autoresponder do for you?

  In the online marketing business people talk about ‘autoresponders’ a lot.  What exactly is one and what will it do for you? To be accurate an autoresponder is a service or system that sends an automated message or series of messages when triggered by a...
Blogging for business

5 ways to improve your email marketing

I write a lot of email campaigns for my clients and there are a few smart strategies I’ve picked up from experts over the years.  These are my top five: 1:  Write an ‘open me’ headline When it comes to email your ‘headline’ is what you write in the subject line.  It...