12 Key Strategies to Keep Visitors on your Website

12 Key Strategies to Keep Visitors on your Website

If people visit your website and don’t ‘get it’ they disappear fast – often referred to as a high bounce rate.  This is bad news, so you need to know how to hang on to visitors long enough to persuade them to take action. There are lots of reasons why people leave...
Your reader’s journey through your website

Your reader’s journey through your website

When someone lands on your website they are usually looking for something, whether that’s a product, a service or information. The secret of a good website is that their journey from their landing point to where they get what they want is seamless. There are no...
Your reader’s journey through your website

What makes your website sticky?

It doesn’t matter how much traffic your site gets, if they don’t stay around for long, your website won’t ‘work’. So what makes your website sticky? A headline that attracts attention, bold, big and interesting! Pictures on the RIGHT of...