When did you last read your website?

When did you last read your website?

When I broke my arm – and it was my right one (yes, I’m right-handed), I discovered how many things we do on autopilot. We learn habits that are hard wired into our subconscious and help us to operate with the minimum of fuss. Are all these good habits?...
When did you last read your website?

Word games

After a post on Twitter yesterday I discovered I’d stirred up a nest of people who are equally irritated by others who use the wrong version of words like ‘lose’ (loose); compliment (complement); your (you’re); there (their and they’re)...
When did you last read your website?

How much time does your offer save?

Technology has delivered a faster paced life to us all – we get information quicker and in much larger quantities, so it’s no wonder that we feel a bit overwhelmed at times? How many people do you know who mutter about ‘work overload’,...
When did you last read your website?

Keywords for amateurs

Before I launch myself on the issue of keywords and phrases, please be aware I’m not an expert in search engine optimisation. I know lots of people who are, but wouldn’t begin to try and teach anyone the finer points of SEO! What I do know about is how to...