5 rules for effective web copy

5 rules for effective web copy

1. Forget all about what you want to tell everyone about your business! Find out what your clients and potential clients biggest problems are and write about those – in terms of how your product or service can solve them, of course. 2. Don’t waffle! Keep...
5 rules for effective web copy

How well does your website work?

When you launch your shiny new website do you test it to find out if it works for the reader? Ask a selection of customers, suppliers and associates to test it out for you and give you feedback. Ask them to: Understand the site’s purpose. Find the main product...
5 rules for effective web copy

Web copy that persuades

When you’re writing web copy it’s easy to let your keyboard run away with you! The first step is to have a structure to write within; I always mind-map my websites and then each page. This is the structure I use: 1. Subject matter of the page 2. Purpose of...
5 rules for effective web copy

Contact us – please

The Contact us page is rarely ‘written’. It’s that page where your email, phone number and snail mail address goes. Sometimes it’s also the page where you ask people to embark on a form filling exercise. Why do you need copy? Every page should...